Career Counselling of senior managers in the following companies and organisations
Private Sector
Accenture, Allen & Overy, Atkins Global, BP, Bank of England, Bombardier, Brake Bros, Citigroup, Diamond Trading Council, De La Rue, DHL Systems, EMI, Ernst and Young, Farrer & Co, Gerber, GlaxoSmithKline, Haarmann Hemmelrath, Lloyds Corporation, LaFarge, LaSenza, Marks and Spencer, Metropolitan Police Services, Mott McDonald, Peacocks Stores, Pizza Express, RBS, Royal Mail, McLaren, M&C Saatchi, Oil Spill Response, Old Mutual, Shell, Universal Music, World Gold Council, Zurich Financial Services
Public and Third Sectors
Age UK, BBC , Cabinet Office, Dept of Health, DIFD, Dept for Work and Pensions, The Guardian Newspaper, HM Prison Service, Institute of Education, London Borough of Camden, London Probation Trust, Lyric Theatre, National Archives, Olympic Delivery Authority, Peterborough City Council, RSPB, Southwark PCT, Strategic Rail Authority, Tfl, United Nations, Victim Support